
Thursday, April 25, 2024


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“WHY DO WE”?(DAY 18); Why do we THINK we need to FORGIVE?

“WHY DO WE”?(DAY 18); Why do we THINK we need to FORGIVE?”

To FORGIVE someone of something they are NOT responsible for is an unnecessary action.

Please read a previous article which explains why they are not RESPONSIBLE http://www.psychegnosis.com/index.php/psychegnosis_news/archive_articles/why_do_we_day_4_why_do_we_constantly_judge_everything_and_everybody/

How can we Judge anyone when we ourselves have behaviours that we have no control over?

When we undertake to FORGIVE anyone for their actions, we take upon us the role of being their JUDGE and JURY.

How can we understand everything about anyone and the circumstances that surround that individual?

Where did this DIVINE right come from that we can FORGIVE?

The point is that we have NO RIGHT to JUDGE or FORGIVE any person.

Let us ask ourselves the following QUESTION and as we do so let us ponder on our actions;


Is it our “STORY”?

Is it our UNDERSTANDING of how things should be?

Is it our totally biased point of view on how life should be and how others should behave?

Is our JUDGEMENT and our FORGIVENESS based on anything other than our outlook on EVENTS?

The need to JUDGE and therefore FORGIVE is something that is part of the THINKING MIND.

It is NOT “who we are”.

Every-time we JUDGE, we are not only harming the person we are JUDGING, we are causing untold damage to our PHYSICAL BODY.

Whenever we JUDGE, we are BLINDING ourselves to what is REALITY.

The moment we take away our JUDGING and FORGIVING, is the moment we STOP feeding our “STORY”.

The moment we STOP feeding our “STORY”, life itself brings an understanding that our THINKING MIND is NOT “who we are”.

When we become aware that it is our “STORY” who is doing the JUDGING and the FORGIVING, we can then begin to have LIFE become our guide and not the “illusion” we believe is “who we are”. It is as it IS.

WE BEGIN OUR 30 DAY ADVENTURE SOON and the above topic concerning FORGIVENESS will be elaborated upon during the EXPERIMENT.

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