
Thursday, April 18, 2024


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WHY PSYCHEGNOSIS is an exact Science! (10) The ‘WORLD’ we CREATE only EXISTS in our MINDS

WHY PSYCHEGNOSIS is an exact Science! (10) The ‘WORLD’ we CREATE only EXISTS in our MINDS!!

This series of articles is set out in such a manner to allow the HUMAN PSYCHE to come to the forefront of both our CONSCIOUS and our SUBCONSCIOUS MINDS.

Each article is designed to unravel and unmask the ‘STORY’  each of us have CREATED that we presently BELIEVE is ‘who we are’ which we rely on to come to terms with our existence here in the PHYSICAL WORLD as well as the HUMAN BODY we are experiencing each and every moment we are alive!

The beauty of our individual lives is that we are creators of our lives and can choose how it can be but unfortunately most of us decide to allow our informational vibration to control our destiny.

We can through understanding the LAW of PSYCHEGNOSIS reunite our REAL SELF with the UNSEEN WORLD and take away the Illusionary world that we presently rely on to give us happiness and peace and CREATE a new world where we realise that our STORY is only a STORY!

The STORY we have created is important but it is not who we are in the sense that we only interpreted with the existing information at that particular time and the reason we must ask QUESTIONS of our existing STORY is to add any new evidence/information so we can update it rather than live with some PAST VERSION.

Each TRANSMUTATION we have from a tiny seed in the womb to the reflection we now see in the mirror brings with it new information pertaining to our existence and if we hold onto any PAST experience we are denying NEW evidence/information.

By dwelling on past experiences and refusing to QUESTION our interpretation with new information is the reason we are unhappy and remain in a state of confusion.

We are individually responsible to update our STORY and the best way to do this is NOT by relying on anyone else other than your own SINCERE QUESTIONING because the reflection in the mirror is the only one who can answer the intricacy of our past experiences to bring about instant change and most importantly permanent change.

If we don’t update our STORY we are left at the mercy of our PAST EXPERIENCES to run our lives and by refusing to QUESTION our STORY is causing us to relive a past interpretation.

Those who understand will understand and those who do not understand are NOT ready to understand, they are NOT at fault!

As is our tradition here at Psychegnosis News we end this article with a QUESTION which should be asked whilst looking directly into your eyes for maximum effect: WHY DO I RELY ON SOME GURU OR THERAPIST OR ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING OR SO CALLED SACRED BOOK TO QUESTION MY STORY WHEN I CAN DO SO RIGHT NOW TO BRING ABOUT THE CHANGES NECESSARY FOR MY ENLIGHTENMENT?

What more can we say?

It is as it IS!


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