
Friday, April 19, 2024


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WHY PSYCHEGNOSIS is an exact Science! (17) Can we ‘TRULY LOVE’anyone without PSYCHEGNOSIS?

WHY PSYCHEGNOSIS is an exact Science! (17) Can we ‘TRULY LOVE’ anyone without PSYCHEGNOSIS?

As we continue our research into the claims made concerning Psychegnosis being an exact SCIENCE we ask that before reading todays article that you the reader to fully comprehend the content and meaning of the information that is going to be revealed that all the other 16 articles should be read because this publication is indeed something that on its own will definitely be misinterpreted unless we have come to an understanding of what Psychegnosis is and the absolute necessity to have QUESTIONED ourselves in the mirror concerning our VIBRATIONAL INFORMATION!

The word ‘LOVE’ is indeed a wonderful and very powerful word which unfortunately has been misunderstood by all of mankind due to believing our emotional information to be ‘who we are’!

The QUESTION in our headline is important because of our existing beliefs being connected to
our emotional information being ‘who we are’ is NOT A REALITY and does NOT EXIST so therefore has no CONSCIENCE other than its own watered down version which it has within its SUBCONSCIOUS STORAGE UNIT.

The ‘ILLUSIONARY CHARACTER’ we have created is limited to the beliefs they have decided to live their lives by and is therefore limiting the full potential that would be possible if they would access the REAL PERSON they were which came from the UNSEEN and has unfortunately been taken over by the ‘ILLUSIONARY CHARACTER’ who rules our lives and makes our decisions!

So this ‘ILLUSIONARY CHARACTER’ does not have the capability of loving anyone other under the rules and regulations it has set within the SUBCONSCIOUS where it began its life and will eventually end its life either before the human body dies or it will be ENLIGHTENED and take up its true role of being part of our wonderful COMMUNICATION SYSTEM!

This is the mission of this newspaper and is the most important information that has been revealed to mankind since the beginning of time and when understood for what it is will bring about instant ENLIGHTENMENT and a PEACE within the individual who comprehends the importance of the information revealed!

There is much more on this subject and as this is a SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT and we are all SCIENTISTS with no BIAS and willing to accept TRUTH before our own preconceived beliefs we must continue to QUESTION everything including the INFORMATION within this newspaper so here is the QUESTION for today: DO I REALLY LOVE IN THE TRUE SENSE OF THE WORD LOVE WHICH IS UNCONDITIONALLY OR HAVE I SET BOUNDARIES DUE TO MY EXISTING BELIEFS CONTAINED WITHIN MY SUBCONSCIOUS MIND AND MY EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES?

It would be wisdom indeed to reread this article for within its content is great joy and peace.

It is as it IS!


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